Thanks to God for this wonderful ministry. Dorca's sewing shop is a real blessing for Christians in Moldova. Sister Rodica Croitor is responsible for it's activity. Here is her report about it: " The shop is a real answer to the prayers of the needy people. Christian sisters who need to sew something can use the sewing machines and the fabric. I help them with great joy to make clothes. The third part of the things made there, they worker can take with them, for her own needs of her family's. The other two thirds are kept in the shop for an eventual distribution to the needy. We make all kind of necessary things, both for adults and for children. 

The door of the shop are opened as well for the needy people from outside the church. For them "Dorcas" is a wonderful place to hear the Gospel. Coming to Christian Complex,  all the workers of the shop have the opportunity to worship God every morning, through prayers and songs, with the Seminary students and the other workers of the Complex. Praise God for bringing people to salvation through this ministry.

Also, we have opportunity to work with street children. Within Bread of Life program for the street children, they are taught the Word of God and in the shop they learn to work. We rejoice very much and thank God seeing His blessings!

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